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Teams come in all shapes and sizes. Some work closely together others find themselves working remotely. Some teams are long-standing and well-established others come together for specific projects. Whatever the environment we offer a spectrum of tools to help your team to understand each other and their roles better in order to work more effectively together. The reason for our company name (Together People) is that our aim is make 'people working together' more effective and enjoyable.

We use a range of tools to work with teams to build understanding and trust in relationships:
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The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a self-awareness tool to help people understand their personality preferences. It can be used very effectively with teams to build understanding and trust.
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The Margerison-McCann Team Management Systems profiling measures peoples preferred work behaviour. This awareness of the team dynamics helps the team build a more effective working relationship.
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The SDI® (Strength Deployment Inventory®) is is particularly useful for conflict resolution and improving relationships. It helps people understand the hidden motivations behind behaviour thus helping the team communicate more effectively and resolve conflicts more productively.
Each of these tools look at the nature of the work which is being carried out and the preferences of those involved in delivery the task - building self-awareness in the team and improving the effectiveness of the group. Team development needs practical application rooted in the day-to-day and Together People can work with you to identify the most effective tool for your team and build a bespoke one-day or multi-day team event around it.

If you would like to know more - click here to drop us a line. Please refer to "team development", or the tool you are interested in, in the Subject line. We look forward to hearing from you.